There is no substitute for subject-matter expertise. That’s why we ensure that every document is edited by an expert with a high level of technical competency in the relevant field of study. Here’s how we achieve this:

1. The Center of Excellence model

We follow a best-practice-based editing set up—manuscripts are assigned to editors who, depending on their experience and qualifications, work in one of 20 editing Centers of Excellence (CoEs). CoEs are highly specialized subject-area teams with professional expertise in one or a few closely related academic disciplines. The CoE team structure is based on a 2-round editing model that optimizes subject-area and language expertise and delivers superior editing output.

2. Experienced, technically proficient editors

The editors within each CoE have a high level of technical competency in that specific field of study and an incisive understanding of the finer nuances of your subject, relevant writing conventions, terminology, etc. In addition, they research extensively before making any drastic subject-related changes in your document.

3. Clear, change-tracking process

For MS Word documents, all changes are visible through the Track Changes feature, while for PDF and other file formats, our editors explain important changes in a separate word file. This system allows you to review each change made by us. Please click here to view the process.